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Robbie Williams

A Place To Crash
Advertising Space
Ain't That A Kick In Th..
Angels (el angel que qui..
Baby Girl Window
Baby Girls Window
Better Man
Beyond The Sea
Bongo Bong And Je Ne T'..
Burslem Normals
By All Means Necessary
Can We Do It Again
Come Undone
Do Nothing Till You Hear Fro..
Ego A Go Go

Zadnja dodana besedila:

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Nikolovski - Sanju Sm... ..
Nikolovski - Kaj Bi Dau? feat..
Nikolovski - Niki-Niko (L..
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Nikolovski - Sneguljčica feat..
Nikolovski - Papirnate Ikone ..
Nikolovski - Jzzinti (Lyr..
Nikolovski - Kdor Ma Srce, Ta..
Nikolovski - Biznis In Kultur..
Nino - Nekaj je na tebi
N'toko - Dvojna Morala ..
Izbrani - Kralji Čudakov
Izbrani - Belokranjski Sti..
Severina - Uno momento ..
I.Vanish Feat.. - Pred Svetovno Po..
Manson's.. - Za ceno čokolade
Kosta - Na Senčni Strani..
Kosta - Spomini
Kosta - B.I.Z.
Kosta - Furbam Begije
Kosta - Morm Povedat
Kosta - Mikrofon (DJ..
Kosta - Spelte Se! ft. S..
Kosta - Bagra
Kosta - Sreča Pride
Tekochee Kru - Tullamore

Robbie Williams - Tripping

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Robbie Williams, besedilo pesmi je iz albuma Intensive Care.

First they ignore you
Then laugh at you and hate you
Then they fight you
Then you win

When the truth dies very bad things happen
They're being heartless again
I know it's coming and there's going to be violence
I've taken as much as I'm willing to take
Why do you think we should suffer in silence?
When a heart is broken there's nothing to break

You've been mixing with some very heavy faces
The boys have done a bit of bird
They don't kill their own
And they all love their mothers
But you're out of your depth son have a word

I know it's coming and there's going to be violence
I've taken as much as I'm willing to take
Why do you think we should suffer in silence?
The heart is broken there's nothing to break

All is wonderful in past lives
Dreaming of the sun she warms,
You should see me in the afterlife
Picking up the sons of dust

When you think we're lost we're exploring
What you think is worthless
I'm adoring
You don't want the truth the truth is boring
I've got this fever, need to
Leave the house
Leave the car
Leave the bad men where they are
I leave a few shells in my gun
N' stop me staring at the sun....

I know it's coming and there's going to be violence
I've taken as much as I'm willing to take
Why do you say we should suffer in silence?
My heart is broken there's nothing to break

I know it's coming and there's going to be violence
I've taken as much as I'm willing to take
Why do you think we should suffer in silence?
A heart is broken there's nothing to break

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi Tripping, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Robbie Williams.



© - Vsa besedila, pesmi in videospoti so last njihovih avtorjev in jih lahko uporabite samo za nekomercialne namene. All Lyrics are property of their respective owners and are strictly for non-commercial use only. Pogoji uporabe. Besedila pesmi, verzi.