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Robbie Williams

A Place To Crash
Advertising Space
Ain't That A Kick In Th..
Angels (el angel que qui..
Baby Girl Window
Baby Girls Window
Better Man
Beyond The Sea
Bongo Bong And Je Ne T'..
Burslem Normals
By All Means Necessary
Can We Do It Again
Come Undone
Do Nothing Till You Hear Fro..
Ego A Go Go

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Robbie Williams - King Of Bloke And Bird

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Robbie Williams, besedilo pesmi je iz albuma Intensive Care.

Speak so loud
I cant hear what you say
Except for the occasional word
Sulphates a sentimental side
It bothers me
No longer king of bloke and bird

All of my life
Searching hard
Down in the wires
Of love

Summon me now
Summon my life away
Summon me on to another day
A hand through the clouds
Keeps knocking me down
It's no less than I deserve
They built museums
I don't visit them
I've made enough trouble of my own

Into the night
Searching hard
Look for the light
Of love

Summon me now
Summon my life away
Summon me on to another day
Summon the evening winter waves
Are falling down again
I sing from the chaos in my heart
My heart

Then comes the evening
That makes life worth living
Shoving the shoes out in the light
She walks in
I can hear her

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi King Of Bloke And Bird, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Robbie Williams.



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