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R Kelly

(You to Be) Happy
12 Play
2nd Kelly
3-Way Phone Call
A woman's threat
All I Really Want
Amazing Love
Apologies of a Thug
As I Look Into My Life
Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby
Bad man
Be Careful
Been Around the World
Big Chips
Break Up to Make Up
Bump n grind remix
Bump n' Grind
Chocolate Factory
Country Girl
Dancing With A Rich Man

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R Kelly - You Knock Me Out

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je R Kelly.

You got you got you got (whooo)

Come on baby and show me what you got

Come on baby (don't be shy, no don't be shy)

Let the music hypnotize you (whooo)

You got me feelin' good

From head to feet like I knew you would

Baby heaven must have broken the fall

Cause girl your love is out of control

And it's caught up

In you

Cause don't don't nobody do me like you do


You hit me

You knock me out

Yeah you hit me

You knock me out

And it's caught up

in you

Cause don't know nobody do me like you do

Come on come on baby Whoo

Come on come on baby

Come on Whoo

(Dance with me baby- Dance with me baby)


Come on baby

Like the father's house on Sunday morn

You give me joy

Like victory after the war

I'm comin home baby to ya girl

In this corner

In you

Cause can't nobody do me like you do

You hit me

Said you knock me out

You hit me

Girl you knock me out

In this corner (I'm the champ)

In you

Cause can't nobody do me like you do

Dance with me baby

Da da da da da

Dance with me baby

Dance with me baby

Dance with me baby

Come on dance with me baby

Listen to me


Listen to me


The Melody

Oh girl

It's you

Cause can't nobody do me like you do

You hit me

Girl you knock me out

Yes you did

You hit me

Oh baby

You knock me out


In this corner (I'm the champ)

In you

Can't nobody do me like you do

Like a speed train in the way

You hit me baby

You knock me out...

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi You Knock Me Out, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca R Kelly.



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