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Ain't Thinking About You
Back To What You Know
Because Of You
Call Me Crazy
Can We Chill
Do You
Fade Into The Background
Get Down Like That
Go On Girl
I Ain't Gotta Tell You
In The Way
It Just Ain't Right
Leaving Tonight
Let Go
Let Me Get This Right
Lie To Me

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Ne-yo - Back To What You Know

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Ne-yo, besedilo pesmi je iz albuma Year Of The Gentleman.

I don't know where to begin
Fighting a war I cant win
Fighting a memory
Something that used to be

No matter how hard I fight
All of my strength and my might
Keeps defeating me
It just keeps defeating me

So what Im tryin to say
I know whats happening
Your body's here with me
But your heart and your mind is still with him

Go back to what you know
Go back to where you know your heart is
Girl, just be honest (this is impossible)
This is impossible
We'll never work if you don't want it
Girl, you belong with him, so go back to what you know

[Verse 2]
Telling me things you used to
Do when he was with you
How he was o' so sweet
The way that he used to treat you
And since you just cant
Keep him out of your mind
Science told me that I'm
Wherever you want to be
baby you don't want me

So what Im tryin to say
I know whats happening
Your body's here with me
But your heart and your mind is still with him

Go back to what you know
Go back to where you know your heart is
Girl, just be honest (this is impossible)
This is impossible
We'll never work if you don't want it
Girl, you belong with him, so go back to what you know

[Verse 3]
And if that's really what you want
I will not stand in your way
You wanna be free
I will let you be
I'd rather you happy
Then miserable with me
Back to what you know

Go back to what you know
Go back to where you know your heart is
Girl, just be honest (this is impossible)
This is impossible
We'll never work if you don't want it
Girl, you belong with him, so go back to what you know

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi Back To What You Know, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Ne-yo.



© - Vsa besedila, pesmi in videospoti so last njihovih avtorjev in jih lahko uporabite samo za nekomercialne namene. All Lyrics are property of their respective owners and are strictly for non-commercial use only. Pogoji uporabe. Besedila pesmi, verzi.