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Matchbox 20

3 A.M.
All I Need
All Your Reasons
Back 2 Good
Bed Of Lies
Black & White People
Bright Lights
Could I Be You
Girl Like That

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Matchbox 20 - Girl Like That

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Matchbox 20.

You think this life would make me bolder

But I'm runnin' scared is all

Well, I hang on everything about you

You think I'd settle down cuz I'm older

But I roll with the change is all

Well, I'm same old trailor trash in new shoes

she gets sad when there's nothing going on, yeah

she says it makes her feel damn worthless

Chorus 1:

Well, ya got to think, with a girl like that, any love at all

Its better than nothing

Well, it's better than nothing

I put my hand around your shoulder

You're saying you're scared is all

I think I know too much about you

You think this life would make me colder

I'd give in to the alcohol

I put my loving arms around you, child

You knew damn well there was nothing going on, yeah

Is that what makes you feel damn worthless?

Chorus 2:

Well, ya got to think, with a girl like that, any love at all

It's better than nothing

Well, it's better than nothing

Good god

Well ya got to think, with a girl like that, any love at all, no no

Is better than nothing

Well, it's better than nothing

Yeah, well, she drags you down and she pulls you up

she pulls you up

says that she's sorry now but it's not enough

To pull you up

Well, she's sorrrrrry...

I wake up quick just like I want to

Yeah, but I stay up much too late

You think this life can get a bit unkind

But she stays down 'til the worth is gone

and pulls you up, she pulls you up, yeah

she pulls you up and over...over...

(Chorus 2)

(Chours 1)

Well you got to think with a girl like that

Well you got to think with a girl like that

You've got to think with a girl like that

Well, thank her

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi Girl Like That, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Matchbox 20.



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