A Long And Sad Goodbye
A million miles away
A New Door
All i ever wanted
Always on the run
American Woman
Are you gonna go my way
Back In Vietnam
Bank robber man
Battlefield of love
Believe in me
Black girl
Black velveteen
Blues for sister someone
Bring It On
Ansambel Roka.. - Zate
Ansambel Roka.. - Če hočeš
Nikolovski - Vse Ob Svojem Ča..
Nikolovski - Nedotakljiv feat..
Nikolovski - Sanju Sm... ..
Nikolovski - Kaj Bi Dau? feat..
Nikolovski - Niki-Niko (L..
Nikolovski - Sami Norci feat...
Nikolovski - Sneguljčica feat..
Nikolovski - Papirnate Ikone ..
Nikolovski - Jzzinti (Lyr..
Nikolovski - Kdor Ma Srce, Ta..
Nikolovski - Biznis In Kultur..
Nino - Nekaj je na tebi
N'toko - Dvojna Morala ..
Izbrani - Kralji Čudakov
Izbrani - Belokranjski Sti..
Severina - Uno momento ..
I.Vanish Feat.. - Pred Svetovno Po..
Manson's.. - Za ceno čokolade
Kosta - Na Senčni Strani..
Kosta - Spomini
Kosta - B.I.Z.
Kosta - Furbam Begije
Kosta - Morm Povedat
Kosta - Mikrofon (DJ..
Kosta - Spelte Se! ft. S..
Kosta - Bagra
Kosta - Sreča Pride
Tekochee Kru - Tullamore
Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Lenny Kravitz.
my mama said
that your life is a gift
and my mama said
there's much weight you will lift
and my mama said
leave those bad boys alone
and my mama said
be home before the dawn
and my mama said
you can be rich or poor
but my mama said
you can be big or small
but i'm always on the run
my mama said
that it's good to be truthful
but my mama said
don't take more than a mouthful
and my mama said
that it's good to be natural
and my mama said
that it's good to be factual
but i'm always on the run
my mama said
baby don't ride that crazy horse
and my mama said
you must push with much force
and my mama said
go get all that your after
and my mama said
that love's all that matters
but i'm always on the run
Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi Always on the run, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Lenny Kravitz.