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Kelly Family

An angel
Break the walls
Brother, brother
Don't be so unhappy
Every baby
Fee fee the flea
Fell in love with an alien
First time
Flip a coin
I can't help myself
I wanna be loved
I wish the very best
Life can be so beautiful
Lord can you hear my prayer
Love, music 'n' sun
Million flies
Mrs. speechless

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Kelly Family - Life can be so beautiful

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Kelly Family.

I don't want to waste all this time
I just want to start living for real
I don't want to waste all my time
Being locked up in my own little movie

A part of me wants to stay a child
The other is saying, Angelo you better grow up quick
For God has given you a baby boy
And he wants you to try and be a good father

'Cause life can be so beautiful
It depends what you make of it all
Oh I believe that life can be so wonderful
As long as I try to treat every day
Like my last

I think I'm not thanking God enough
For all the great presents I've recieved in my life
Especially for my beautiful and loving wife
Oh Kira, I think without you I would never have made it

'Cause life can be so beautiful
It depends what you make of it all
Having children and a wife is something wonderful
And I'll never ever trade with something else
In this world.

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi Life can be so beautiful, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Kelly Family.



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