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Katie Melua

All In My Head
Blame It On The Moon
Blue Shoes
Blues In The Night
Call Off The Search
Crawling Up A Hill
Dirty Dice
Faraway Voice
Ghost Town
Half Way Up The Hindukush
I Cried For You
I Do Believe In Love
I Think It's Going To R..
If The Lights Go Out
If You Were A Sailboat
In My Secret Life
Just Like Heaven
Learnin' The Blues
Lilac Wine

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Katie Melua - I Cried For You

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Katie Melua, besedilo pesmi je iz albuma Piece By Piece.

You're beautiful so silently
It lies beneath a shade of blue
It struck me so violently
When I looked at you

But others pass, the never pause,
To feel that magic in your hand
To me you're like a wild rose
They never understand why

I cried for you
When the sky cried for you
And when you went
I became a hopeless drifter
But this life was not for you
Though I learned from you,
That beauty need only be a whisper

I'll cross the sea for a different world,
With your treasure, a secret for me to hold

In many years they may forget
This love of ours or that we met,
They may not know
how much you meant to me.

I cried for you
And the sky cried for you,
And when you went
I became a hopeless drifter.
But this life was not for you,
Though I learned from you,
That beauty need only be a whisper

Without you now I see,
How fragile the world can be
And I know you've gone away
But in my heart you'll always stay.

I cried for you
And the sky cried for you,
And when you went
I became a hopeless drifter.
But this life was not for you,
Though I learned from you,
That beauty need only be a whisper
That beauty need only be a whisper

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi I Cried For You, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Katie Melua.



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