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Fall Out Boy

7 Minutes In Heaven (ata..
A Little Less Sixteen Candle..
Calm Before The Storm
Champagne For My Real Friend..
Chicago is so two years ago
Chicago Is So Two Years Ago ..
Dance, Dance
Dead On Arrival
Fame infamy
Get Busy Living Or Get Busy ..
Grand Theft Autumn / Where I..
Grenade Jumper
Growing Up
Homesick At Space Camp
Honorable Mention
I Don't Care
I slept with someone in fall..
I Slept With Someone In Fall..
I've Got A Dark Alley A..
Moving Pictures

Zadnja dodana besedila:

Ansambel Roka.. - Zate
Ansambel Roka.. - Če hočeš
Nikolovski - Vse Ob Svojem Ča..
Nikolovski - Nedotakljiv feat..
Nikolovski - Sanju Sm... ..
Nikolovski - Kaj Bi Dau? feat..
Nikolovski - Niki-Niko (L..
Nikolovski - Sami Norci feat...
Nikolovski - Sneguljčica feat..
Nikolovski - Papirnate Ikone ..
Nikolovski - Jzzinti (Lyr..
Nikolovski - Kdor Ma Srce, Ta..
Nikolovski - Biznis In Kultur..
Nino - Nekaj je na tebi
N'toko - Dvojna Morala ..
Izbrani - Kralji Čudakov
Izbrani - Belokranjski Sti..
Severina - Uno momento ..
I.Vanish Feat.. - Pred Svetovno Po..
Manson's.. - Za ceno čokolade
Kosta - Na Senčni Strani..
Kosta - Spomini
Kosta - B.I.Z.
Kosta - Furbam Begije
Kosta - Morm Povedat
Kosta - Mikrofon (DJ..
Kosta - Spelte Se! ft. S..
Kosta - Bagra
Kosta - Sreča Pride
Tekochee Kru - Tullamore

Fall Out Boy - I slept with someone in fall out boy and all i got was this

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Fall Out Boy.

About Me

I found the cure to growing older
And you're the only place that feels like home
Just so you know, you'll never know
And some secrets weren't meant to be told
I found the cure to growing older

I'm the first kid to write of hearts, lies, and friends
And I am sorry my conscience called in sick again
And I've got arrogance down to a science

Douse yourself in cheap perfume it's
So fitting of the way you are
You can't cover it up

Find a safe place, brace yourself, bite your lip
I'm sending your fingernails and empty bottles you've sipped
Back to your family cause I know you will be missed

They call kids like us vicious and carved out of stone
But for what we've become, we just feel more alone
Always weigh what I've lost against what I left
Progress report: I am missing you to death

Someone old
No one new
Feeling borrowed
always blue
Someone old
No one new
Always borrowed
Always you

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi I slept with someone in fall out boy and all i got was this, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Fall Out Boy.



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