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Bob Dylan

A Fool Such As I
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna F..
A Satisfied Mind
Abandoned Love
Absolutely Sweet Marie
Ain't No Man Righteous ..
Alberta #2
Apple Suckling Tree
Are You Ready?
Arthur McBride
As I Went Out One Morning
Ballad of a thin man
Ballad Of Donald White
Band Of The Hand (It..
Belle Isle
Bessie Smith
Beyond The Horizon
Big Yellow Taxi
Billy 7

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Bob Dylan - Beyond The Horizon

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Bob Dylan.

(Bob Dylan)

Beyond the horizon, behind the sun
At the end of the rainbow life has only begun
In the long hours of twilight 'neath the stardust above
Beyond the horizon it is easy to love

I'm touched with desire
What don't I do?
Through flame and through fire
I'll build my world around you

Beyond the horizon, in the Springtime or Fall
Love waits forever, for one and for all

Beyond the horizon, across the divide
'Round about midnight, we'll be on the same side
Down in the valley the water runs cold
Beyond the horizon someone prayed for your soul

My wretched heart is pounding
I felt an angel's kiss
My memories are drowning
In mortal bliss

Beyond the horizon, at the end of the game
Every step that you take, I'm walking the same

Beyond the horizon, the night winds blow
The theme of a melody from many moons ago
The bells of St. Mary, how sweetly they chime
Beyond the horizon I found you just in time

It's dark and it's dreary
I've been pleading in vain
I'm wounded, I'm weary
My repentance is plain

Beyond the horizon o'r the treacherous sea
I still can't believe that you have set aside your love for me

Beyond the horizon, 'neath crimson skies
In the soft light of morning I'll follow you with my eyes
Through countries and kingdoms and temples of stone
Beyond the horizon right down to the bone

It's the right time of the season
Somebody there always cared
There's always a reason
Why someone's life has been spared

Beyond the horizon, the sky is so blue
I've got more than a lifetime to live lovin' you

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi Beyond The Horizon, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Bob Dylan.



© - Vsa besedila, pesmi in videospoti so last njihovih avtorjev in jih lahko uporabite samo za nekomercialne namene. All Lyrics are property of their respective owners and are strictly for non-commercial use only. Pogoji uporabe. Besedila pesmi, verzi.