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8 Mile

Adrenaline Rush
B-Rabbit And Sol (Car Pa..
Broke Is Not Fun
Freestyle(To Chedda Bob&..
I Live At Home In A Trailer
Lose Yourself
Love Me
Lunch Truck Freestyle
Places To Go
Rabbit Vs. Papa Doc
Rap Game
Run Rabbit Run
Sweet Home Alabama
Ur Moms My Bitches Girl

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8 Mile - Lunch Truck Freestyle

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je 8 Mile.

"Ok folks, enough with the gay jokes
'Specially from a gay broke bitch, a'ight lope?
This how I do-do, you been here longer than me
And I get paid more than you do
Dawg take a seat
What's this guy standing in line for?
He ain't got money to eat!
Check this out, yo, yo
This guy cash' his whole check and bought one ho-ho
Fucking homo
Little maggot
You can't hack it
Paul's gay, but you're a faggot!
'Least he admits it
Don't even risk it
This guy's starving to death
Someone get him a biscuit!
I dont know what they told you, Mike
You must have dem corn rows rolled too tight
This job you wanna quit, but you can't
You worked at this plant so long, you are a plant
Look at your god damn' boots
For christ's sakes, they're startin' to grow roots!
And this Mike you be faded
You look like a pissed off rapper who never made it
And why you fucking with the gay guy, G?
When really you're the one who's got the HIV
Man I'm done with this clown
He's soft, fuck it
I'll let home girl finish you off"

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi Lunch Truck Freestyle, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca 8 Mile.



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