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1 800 New Funk Advertisement
1+1+1 Is 3
18 & Over
2 Nigs United 4 West Compton
3 Chains O' Gold
3rd Eye
5 Women
A 1,000 Hugs And Kisses
A Case Of U
A Million Days
A Place In Heaven
Acknowledge Me
All The Critics Love U In Ne..
All The Midnights In The World

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Prince - 3 Chains O' Gold

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Prince, besedilo pesmi je iz albuma Symbol.

If I don't think about the fact that she left me
If I don't see the pearls fall from the sky
If I don't hear the accusations of blasphemy
If I don't feel the tears in my eyes
This is the best day of my life
U say u'll call me and then and then u don't
I'll want 2 kiss u and then I won't
We both do nothing and call it love
Is this love?
Is this love?

This morning I wanted a cup of coffee
But I didn't have any cream
Last night I wanted some inspiration
But I didn't have any dreams
Coupled with the fact that u belong 2 another
Whose name is self-righteousness
So evil girl, if one of us has a date
With the undertaker, which one will it be?
U can cry 4 ever, but u'll get no sympathy
This is the best day of my life

I've got 3 chains o' gold
And they will shine 4 ever
They are the nucleus of my soul
Melt down, no, they will never

I've got 3 chains o' gold
And they will shine 4 ever
They are the nucleus of my soul
Melt down, no, they will never

Give back the chains - if you don't you will die
Nothing should come between you and I

I've got 3 chains o' gold
And they will shine 4 ever
If one of us has 2 go
U will go before me

If one of us has 2 go (3 chains o' gold)
U will go before me
(3 chains o' gold)
U will go before me, baby (they will shine 4 ever)
Cuz I sho 'nuff say u will

(3 chains o' gold)
(u will go before me)
(u will go before me)
(u will go before me)
(u will go before me)

I've got 3 chains o' gold
They gonna shine...

Forever, forever, forever

(3 chains o' gold)

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi 3 Chains O' Gold, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Prince.



© - Vsa besedila, pesmi in videospoti so last njihovih avtorjev in jih lahko uporabite samo za nekomercialne namene. All Lyrics are property of their respective owners and are strictly for non-commercial use only. Pogoji uporabe. Besedila pesmi, verzi.