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Pearl Jam

All those yesterdays
Around the bend
Aye davanita
Better man
Brain of j
Brain of jfk
Do the evolution
Elderly woman behind the cou..
Elderly woman behind thecoun..

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Pearl Jam - Do the evolution

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Pearl Jam.

Wooh, wooh.
I'm ahead. I'm a man.
I'm the first mammal to wear pants. Yeah.
I am at peace with my lust.
I can kill cause in god I trust. Yeah.
It's evolution baby. Yeah.
I'm a piece of the man.
I buy stocks on the day of the crash. Yeah.
On the loose. I'm a truck.
All the rolling hills I'll flatten 'em out. Yeah.
It's herd behavior. Uh huh.
It's evolution baby. Yeah. Oh yeah.
Admire me, admire my home, admire my son, he's my clone.
Yeah. (x2)
This land is mine, this land is free, I'll do what I want, yet irresponsibly.
It's evolution baby. Yea.
I'm a thief, I'm a liar.
There's my church I sing in the choir.
Hall-le-lu-jah. (x2)
Admire me, admire my home, admire my song, admire my clothes.
Cause we know, appetite for nightly feasts.
Those ignorant Indians got nothing on me.
Nothing. Why? Because, it's evolution baby. Yeah, woh.
I am ahead, I am advanced, I am the first mammal to make plans.
I crawled the earth, but now I'm higher.
2010 watch it go to fire.
It's evolution baby. Yeah. (x2)
Do the evolution.
Come on. (x3)

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi Do the evolution, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Pearl Jam.



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