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Matchbox 20

3 A.M.
All I Need
All Your Reasons
Back 2 Good
Bed Of Lies
Black & White People
Bright Lights
Could I Be You
Girl Like That

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Matchbox 20 - Last Beautiful Girl

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Matchbox 20.

This will all fall down like everything else that was
This too shall pass and all of the words we said
We can't take back

Now every fool in town would've left by now
I can't replace all the wasted days
The memory of your face - can't help thinkin'

Maybe if we ever coulda kept it all together
Where would we be
A thousand lost forevers
And the promises you never were giving me
Here's what I'm thinking


It won't be the first - heart that you break
It won't be the last - beautiful girl
The one that you wrecked - won't take you back
If you were the last beautiful girl in the world

Tell me one more time
How you're sorry about the way
This all went down - you needed to find your space

You needed to still be friends
Needed me to
Call you if I ever couldn't keep it all together
you'd comfort me
Tell me but forever
And the promises I never should have believed in
Here's what I'm thinking


It won't be the first - heart that you break
It won't be the last - beautiful girl
The one that you wrecked - won't take you back
If you were the last beautiful girl in the world

It's over now - And I've gone without
Cuz you're everybody else's girl
It seems to me - you'll always be
Everyone else's girl

This will all fall down
Like everything in the world
This too must end
And everything else that was
We can't take back

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi Last Beautiful Girl, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Matchbox 20.



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