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Katie Melua

All In My Head
Blame It On The Moon
Blue Shoes
Blues In The Night
Call Off The Search
Crawling Up A Hill
Dirty Dice
Faraway Voice
Ghost Town
Half Way Up The Hindukush
I Cried For You
I Do Believe In Love
I Think It's Going To R..
If The Lights Go Out
If You Were A Sailboat
In My Secret Life
Just Like Heaven
Learnin' The Blues
Lilac Wine

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Katie Melua - Call Off The Search

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Katie Melua, besedilo pesmi je iz albuma Call Off The Search.

I won't spend my life
Waiting for an angel to descend
Searching for a rainbow with an end
Now that I've found you I'll call off the search
And I won't spend my life
Gazing at the stars up in the sky
Wondering if love will pass me by
Now that I've found you I'll call off the search

Out on my own
I would never have known this world
That I see today
And I've got a feeling
It won't fade away

And I won't end my days
Wishing that love would come along
Because you are in my life where you belong
Now that I've found you I'll call off the search
Now that I've found you I'll call off the search [x2]

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi Call Off The Search, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Katie Melua.



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