Besedila, pesmi in videospoti!
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Absolution blues
Don't leave me this way
Easy does it
Feeling hot
Pride and joy
Shake my tree
Take a look at yourself
Waiting on you
Whisper a prayer for the dying

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Coverdal&page - Feeling hot

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Coverdal&page.


Hey, gypsy woman, roll your dice for me, read my Tarot cards, so I can see
I'm razor sharp, cool sunglasses, pocketful of backstage passes
Lady Luck, roll your dice for me

The boys are feeling hot, tonight, fingers crossed, they get it right
Women to the left, women to the right, the boys are feeling hot tonight

I ain't too proud to beg for what you got
You'd melt a heart of ice, babe, you're so hot
So pump it up, raise the dead, squeeze it, honey, 'til it's cherry red
I ain't too proud to beg for what you got


Feeling hot, feeling hot, feeling hot, feeling hot, hot, hot, hot

Feeling hot

Now I just wanna make sweet love to you, I'll do anything you want me to
So rip it up, slip an' slide, 'scuse me if my tongue gets tired
An' I will make some sweet love to you

(chorus) - hot, hot, hot

Look out baby!

The boys are feeling hot, tonight, the boys are feeling hot, tonight
The boys are feeling hot, tonight

Rip it up, baby

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi Feeling hot, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Coverdal&page.



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