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Bad Religion Give Up
1,000 More Fools
1000 Memories
21st Century (digital Bo..
52 Seconds
A Streetkid Named Desire
A Walk
A World Without Melody
Against The Grain
All Fantastic Images
All Good Soldiers
All There Is
Along The Way
American Dream
American Jesus
At The Mercy Of Imbeciles
Atheist Peace
Atomic Garden

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Bad Religion - All Good Soldiers

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Bad Religion, besedilo pesmi je iz albuma Recipe For Hate.

All good soldiers crack like boulders
The sun climbs up to a razor,
Violins, new boots, and numbers on a chain
All good soldiers

All good soldiers fall in line
When they march and shout
All good soldiers are a spectacle
Marching and singing
Will go anywhere the president says
Because the president believes in God
Like all good soldiers should

All good soldiers wait like warheads
When the fighting starts who will be
Accountable, a cannibal, a cannonball
All good soldiers, all good soldiers

All good soldiers fall in line
When they march and shout
All good soldiers are respectible
Marching and singing
Will go anywhere the president says
Because the president believes in God
Like all good soldiers should

It's 6 AM I can see my breath
And the clay dirt is laughing at a weakling boy
Today is the day
That I'll write my friends
It's something I've been trying to remember
I had a dream of a wall
That was twenty-one stories tall

All good soldiers fall in line
When they march and shout
All good soldiers are a spectacle
Marching and singing
Will go anywhere the president says
Because the president believes in God
Like all good soldiers should

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi All Good Soldiers, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Bad Religion.



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