A life less ordinary
Angel interceptor
Burn baby burn
Burn out
Darkside lightside
Death trip 21
Folk song
Fortune teller
Girl from mars
Gone the dream
I'd give you anything
I'm gonna fall
Innocent smile
Jesus says
Kung fu
Let it flow
Lose control
Lost in you
Ansambel Roka.. - Zate
Ansambel Roka.. - Če hočeš
Nikolovski - Vse Ob Svojem Ča..
Nikolovski - Nedotakljiv feat..
Nikolovski - Sanju Sm... ..
Nikolovski - Kaj Bi Dau? feat..
Nikolovski - Niki-Niko (L..
Nikolovski - Sami Norci feat...
Nikolovski - Sneguljčica feat..
Nikolovski - Papirnate Ikone ..
Nikolovski - Jzzinti (Lyr..
Nikolovski - Kdor Ma Srce, Ta..
Nikolovski - Biznis In Kultur..
Nino - Nekaj je na tebi
N'toko - Dvojna Morala ..
Izbrani - Kralji Čudakov
Izbrani - Belokranjski Sti..
Severina - Uno momento ..
I.Vanish Feat.. - Pred Svetovno Po..
Manson's.. - Za ceno čokolade
Kosta - Na Senčni Strani..
Kosta - Spomini
Kosta - B.I.Z.
Kosta - Furbam Begije
Kosta - Morm Povedat
Kosta - Mikrofon (DJ..
Kosta - Spelte Se! ft. S..
Kosta - Bagra
Kosta - Sreča Pride
Tekochee Kru - Tullamore
Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Ash.
Lying in the long long grass
Blossom on the trees
Springtime's slipping away my love
Yeah springtime's slipping away
When it comes around again
It will never be the same
Heaven's slipping away my love
Yeah heaven's slipping away
Yeah heaven's slipping away
Walking through this changing season
Sorrow spreads its wings
We can't keep a hold on time
Just receive what it brings
Lying in the long long grass
Clouds are drifting by
Springtime's slipping away my love
Yeah springtime's slipping away
Dreaming in this lost domain
Which you'll never see again
Heaven's slipping away my love
Yeah heaven's slipping away
Yeah heaven's slipping away
Walking through this changing season
Sorrow spreads its wings
Light a candle in your heart
Light it to the spring
Walking through this changing season
Sorrow spreads its wings
We cant keep a hold on time
Just recieve what it will bring
Mellow evenings in the spring
Full of warmth and hope
you are dreaming unaware
Unaware that you are letting go
Walking through this changing season
Sorrow spreads it wings
We can't keep a hold on time
Just recieve what it will bring
Walking through this lonely season
Sorrow spreads its wings
Light a candle in your heart
Light it to the spring
Springtime's slipping away my love
Yeah springtime's slipping away
Heaven's slipping away my love
Yeah heaven's slipping away.
Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi Folk song, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Ash.