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Alien Ant Farm

1000 Days
Around The Block
Bad Morning
Death day
Drifting Apart
Flesh and bone
Forgive & Forget
Getting Closer
Lord Knows
Never Meant
Orange appeal

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Alien Ant Farm - Death day

Izvajalec besedila pesmi je Alien Ant Farm.

I slowly shoot these words like weapons
And go insane
I watch you drive your stupid car
You go away
You never were one to use caution
And you're gonna pay
You know I’d love to see it happen
I always tried to keep you near me
Without the pain
I love to tie us into knots
We slipped away
I tried to captivate you, on that evening
He was leaving, with the girl I’d love to kill
Happy Death day to you baby
I know you’re flying in the blue now
We’ll be together real soon now baby, don’t you worry
Papa’s got a brand new body bag for you
Cable cars run through my mind
Reminiscent Bay
I think of north on Valentine
I wish you'd stay
You never were one to use caution
It slipped away
I somehow knew this would happen
Happy Death day to you baby
I know you’re flying in the blue now
We’ll be together real soon now baby, don’t you worry
Papa’s got a brand new body bag for you
And I got a fresh new kind of attitude
I slowly shoot these words like weapons
And go insane
I watch you drive your stupid car
You go away
You never were, you never were
You know I’d love to see it happen
Happy Death day to you baby
I know you’re flying in the blue now
We’ll be together real soon now baby, don’t you worry
Papa’s got a brand new body bag for you
And he ain’t ever ever coming back to you

Ogledujete si besedilo pesmi Death day, lahko pa si ogledate še ostale pesmi in besedila izvajalca Alien Ant Farm.



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